Jesus addresses the question of WHY bad things happen in Luke 13:1-9. As far as I can ascertain, God generally does not answer our WHY questions (look at the stories of Job and Habakkuk). We don't know WHY He allowed this thing happen. (I believe it has to do with God allowing us to have free will, and the fact that our limited minds could probably not handle even a fraction of the knowledge He has about the universe). Anyhow, we will not ever know (till we meet our maker) whether it was a judgment upon the U.S., or perhaps an avenue to greater spiritual renewal, or something else. Rather, we are always to look at this event and ask WHAT should we learn from it, God? National spiritual renewal would be a nice place to start. Seeing Dick Gephart and Trent Lott sitting side-by-side in church last Friday was pretty cool. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson cannot presume to tell us WHY God allowed this to happen; because they don't know. They should be trying to help us understand WHAT to do now, based solely upon Biblical principals. Jeremy Rasmussen P.S. I was told that someone recalled me once saying something derogatory about a person who counseled suicidal teens who were having problems with their sexual identity, saying something to the effect of: "Why not just let them (kill themselves)?" First, I would never say something like that, and second, I clearly recall the conversation thread in which the person had "outed" himself on the QB-News mail list, and I simply protested it was a personal matter and should not be discussed on the QB-News mail list. Any other allegations of what I said are simply untrue and part of modern urban QB legend.
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