To All High School Quiz Bowlers and Quiz Bowl
Princeton University College Bowl Club is once
again sponsoring the Ninth Annual Princeton University
Quiz Bowl High School Tournament on
December 8th, 2001. Please email lkostove_at_...
ASAP to reserve anywhere from 1 to 3 teams at this
tournament. Spots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve
basis, and all other schools will be
The fee structure is as follows:
$100 initial
entry fee (for 1 team)
$80 for each additional
team(up to a maximum of 3)
-$20 discount per
-$10 discount per well-working buzzer
(Maximum of $50 discount per school)
Questions will
be provided by NAQT. All teams that are interested
in going to the Carnegie Mellon High School
Tournament this spring must
choose between our tournament
and theirs because the same questions will be used at
both tournaments.
The registration form will be
available online shortly at
If you have any questions, please contact the
tournament director, Lenny Kostovetsky at
-Princeton University College Bowl
-Jeff Hoppes,
-Lenny Kostovetsky, VP/Tournament Director