TECHNOPHOBIA SIX, the sixth annual Caltech Quiz Bowl college invitational tournament, will be held the weekend of November 10, 2000. Under separate admission, but held on the same weekend (and at a nearby if not identical location) as the affiliated TRASH West Regional hosted by Scripps College. Technophobia Five will be a submitted-packet tournament in the traditional Technophobia style: untimed rounds with 22 questions. TRASH (Testing Recall About Strange Happenings) features questions that are, well, trashy. Questions are provided by the TRASHmeisters, and they are also untimed rounds with 22 questions. Technophobia Six will begin Saturday morning--please arrive by 9 am so we can begin play by 9:30 am. Technophobia will end sometime Saturday evening. If this schedule poses a problem for teams, let us know as soon as possible. We're not sure whether the tournament will be held at Scripps or at Caltech - We've already reserved the rooms at Caltech, but it is possible that the location may change. Stay tuned. The basic fee structure is: Technophobia Six only $100 + 1 packet second and subsequent teams -$15 working buzzer system -$5 visible clock +$10 [it's an untimed tournament, you nimrod] experienced moderator -$10 early packet -$15 if received before 12:00 AM October 15, 2000 late packet +$5/day after 12:00 AM Nov 3, 2000 The tournament is open to all adults, whether they are or have ever been college students or graduates, but high school teams will not be admitted except by special (and unlikely) dispensation by the Tournament Director. Technophobia will separately recognize an open champion and a college champion, whose team must consist of players all enrolled as students at the same collegiate institution. There will be a prize for Best Question Packet Submitted. The deadline for submitted packets is 12:00 AM November 8, 2000. Please write a question packet with 27 toss-ups and 27 bonuses, each conforming to the following subject distribution: 4 Science 4 History 4 Literature 2 Geography 2 Fine Arts 2 Pop Culture 1 Social Science 1 Religion/Mythology 1 Current Events 1 Sports ONE MORE Social Science OR Religion/Mythology ONE MORE Current Events OR Sports OR Pop Culture THREE MORE General Knowledge/Any Category (but no two in the same category) Click here to see more detailed question guidelines <<a href=>. target=new>>.</a> Packets should be emailed to Tournament Director Richard Mason <mailto:mason_at_...>.
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