Hey, all, Here's at least part of the lowdown on the tournaments being held at Scripps on November 3 and November 11. Please note that I need RSVPs as soon as your teams get the chance to discuss it. Further emails will only be sent to those teams who reply saying that they want/need more info. First, November 3 is the ACF fall tournament. Base fee is $85, less $10 for a competent official, less $5 for buzzers (up to two discounts), less $10 for the second team and $5 for each additional team after the second. Packet due dates and discounts: By Sept. 21, -$15 By Sept. 28, -$10 By Oct. 12, no penalty By Oct. 19, +$15 By Oct. 24, +$25 Please note that due to the lateness of this post, Scripps will still give you $15 off (rather than $10) for getting your packet in by the 28th. All packets are to be sent to Kelly McKenzie at ksmcke0_at_.... Packets should consist of 30 tossups and 30 bonuses, and should follow the writing requirements found at <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/documents.html target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/documents.html</a> and the formatting requirements at <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/formatting/html. target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/formatting/html.</a> TRASH Regionals will be held November 11. I'm still looking for input on whether it would be easier on the distance teams to hold this event at Caltech. If I hear nothing, we'll be holding this event in Claremont. Fees for this event are: $75 for the first team, $60 for a second team, $50 for each additional team. Discounts: -$10 for a competent moderator -$10 for each buzzer -$10 if a team is traveling over 100 miles As all questions are written by TRASH, packet submission discounts do not apply. If you are unsure about the eligibility of your team for either of these tournaments, email me and I will let you know. Expect both tournaments to begin around 9:30 AM on their respective days, barring a larger-than-expected number of entries. Please note that for each of these tournaments there are also new team discounts. Room information and additonal information will be (as previously stated) only sent to those who express interest, so email me at your earliest convenience. Any questions? Email me. Yours, Nancy Williams Tournament Director, ACF Fall Tournament West and TRASH Regionals West
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