The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is happy to announce that it will be hosting the 2001 Upper Midwest trash regional tournament in conjunction with its Deep Bench: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics tournament (an academic invitational). We strongly encourage teams to participate in both tournaments, as there will be a discount off of registration AND it will be a 3 day quiz bowl extravaganza with a chance to experience Deep Bench's unique format paired with the awesome experience of TRASH. Here is the bullet for all of you interested: TRASH Regionals 2001 will begin at 5:00 P.M. Saturday November 10th and end Sunday afternoon November 11th. Registration costs are as follows: $75 for the first team, $60 for the second and $50 for each additional team beyond that. In addition to that, teams which have never played trash before can enter for the low low price of $30. Discounts will be as follows: $10 for those who play in the Deep Bench tournament, $10 per buzzer system, $10 per moderator, and $10 for teams travelling 100 or more miles for the tournament. All schools interested should send me an email at malo0113_at_..., and any questions about Deep Bench can be referred to David Levinson at levin031_at_.... You can find the announcement for Deep Bench at <a href= target=new></a> More information pertaining to exact location and hotels and such is forthcoming.
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