<a href=http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/25/national/25POLL.html target=new>http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/25/national/25POLL.html</a>
"While 92 percent of Americans said the United States
should take military action, many respondents emphasized
in follow-up interviews that the nation should not
be in too much of a hurry to retaliate."
other words, idiotic Americans who are part of the
non-quizbowl playing hoi polloi aren't as dumb or as vengeful
as you think.
It has been two weeks after the
attacks, and there have been no made-for-TV bombing runs
or cruise missile launches. Restraint appears to be
the watchword.
There's some white-hot rage
boiling under here, but I'll be content with the above