I'd rather a few innocent Afghan citizens died
than, for example, the entire population of the DC
area. Or Los Angeles. Or Chicago. Or Atlanta. Or
London. Or Islamabad. You get the point.
That time has come when everyones pricing up life.
What will be the economic implications of war? Gotta
make sure those airlines and airports dont go out of
business. How many people is it if anyone in a place that
harbors terrorists can conceivably be called an enemy?
But Afghani people simply arent worth as much as
Americans. How much do you think an American soldier is
worth, how many people? Two acronyms are bouncing around
my head right now - MAD and FUBAR. Its time to see
what kind of people we, as a country, are and Im not
sure what Im going to think about the
* * *
But I learned to accept
Accept it with pride
For you don't count the
When God's on your side.
- Bob Dylan, With
God on our Side