As stated in a previous post, the U. of Wisconsin
is running a tournament for high schoolers within
the state, many teams of whom will have never played
quiz bowl or anything like it before (no organized
high school programs do not exist in Wisconsin). Due
to their inexperience, we hope to provide schools
with roughly a tourney's worth of questions to schools
so that they might at least have some familiarity
with the format before the tournament. While we have
provided them with the link to the NAQT sample packet and
the Stanford Archives, we do not consider this enough
to adequately prepare a team of players for the
format. To that end:
We are hoping that some
school would have several packets of very easy (roughly
NAQT HS) questions which we could distribute to
schools for them to practice on. obviously the more
NAQT-like, the better, but anything will help.
can contact me at rwgroves_at_... or the
TD Adam Engelhart at Adam_at_...
Thanks in advance,
Rob Groves
UWQB Grand
Poohbah (or something)