Adam.... perhaps, instead of focusing on
one-sentence Qs, you could try (slightly) longer TWO-sentence
When the average tossup goes to line 5 or
6, a question ending on line 3 is still a breath of
fresh air (the one you've posted is a bit under 2
lines). :)
And I personally don't think there's
anything wrong with relatively short, factually-dense Qs.
P.S. I will also add this assertion: even if every Q
ever written in a particular format is bad, that
*still* doesn't mean that the style itself is flawed.
[For those Q types that we have banned--binary choice,
single-part all-or-nothing boni, etc.--I think this is a
judgment not on the questions themselves, but rather on
the effects they have on the outcome of the game.]