The field is beginning to fill up quickly: today
alone, 18 first and second teams have registered, and
there are four more teams on the waiting list (three
III teams and one IV team).
The list of
registrations is posted
<a href= target=new></a>
near the bottom of the page. The last
update for the list is listed in the gray box above the
table; please check that *before* you contact
I will try to update the list daily this week, and
then at least twice a week thereafter.
At this
point in time, you do NOT need rosters sorted out, nor
do you absolutely need to have one contact per team
(I ask for this because experience has taught me
it's better to have too many people receiving info
than too few).
One final point: should the
field fill up before 1 November, first and/or second
teams on the waiting list that registered prior to that
date will have priority over third and subsequent