This is just a preliminary announcement to gauge interest. Duke University Academic Team/College Bowl Club announces it will host a mirror of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Tournament run at the University of Michigan on Saturday, January 19, 2002, and intends to mirror the Ann B. Davis (whatever subtitle Mike chooses) Tournament on Sunday, January 20, 2002. We are in the process of getting a preliminary team count so that we can reserve the appropriate number of rooms on campus for both MLK and potentially ABD, so we ask any interested schools to notify us of your anticipated non-binding team count. If your team is interested in either competition, please notify me by email at etchuck_at_... . The MLK tournament will be a timed, packet-submission event using NAQT-style rules. Please consult the 2002 Michigan Memorandum and Appendix for question style guidelines, which according to David Thorsley have been significantly revised from the 1995 version. These rules are located at <a href= target=new></a> . All participants for MLK must submit their questions to the University of Michigan editors [David Thorsley, Adam Kemezis, Noel Erinjeri, and Emily Moore] at mac.packetdrop_at_... -- NOT to anyone at Duke!!! -- and will be assessed their discounts and penalties according to their receipt of questions. Again, consult the Appendix for approved file formats. Entry fees are as follows (emulating in full the Michigan price schedule): First team from a school $110 Each additional team from a school $100 Discount for a fully functional buzzer system (max 2 per school) -$5 Discount for a fully functional timer viewable by audience and both teams from at least 5 feet away (max 2 per school) - $5 (our discount) Discount for a full-time moderator (max 2) -$10 New program discount -$25/team Distance Discount (500 miles or more) -$20/team Packet Submitted by November 30 -$30 Packet Submitted by December 14 -$15 Packet Submitted by December 31 -$5 Packet Submitted by January 4 -$0 Packet Submitted after January 4 +$5/day Minimum entry fee per team $55 Our competition fully encourages participation by junior college quiz bowl programs and teams from historically black colleges and universities. Both classes of teams will automatically be granted the New Program Discount of -$25, but both groups must submit packets to Michigan by the January 4 deadline. At this time, I am not planning on having a separate D2 playoff (in which JC's and HBCU's will be included) unless there is sufficient interest (at least 6 teams, all having submitted their packets before January 4 [although other arrangements could be negotiated). If you are familiar with any program contact at a JC or HBCU, please forward this notice to them. High school teams however are not allowed. This tournament is a great warm-up to Penn Bowl or Sword Bowl held the following week. We hope that all interested teams that go to either Penn Bowl or Sword Bowl will take advantage of this opportunity. Thank you and hope to see you soon. Emil Thomas Chuck, Ph.D. Tournament Coordinator, Duke MLK/ABD
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