The field for Beaver Bonspiel 8, to be held on
Saturday, October 27, at MIT, is beginning to shape up
nicely. Thus far, I've heard from people representing the
following schools (approximate number of teams in
BU (4)
Cornell (2-3)
Dartmouth (?)
Williams (1)
Yale (5)
Yeshiva (1)
If I've
forgotten anyone, or if the information I have for you is
no longer accurate, please do let me
With at least 16 teams already, and hopefully more to
come, it seems safe to say that we'll be able to split
into two divisions, as I had hoped. Don't forget that
the no-penalty packet submission deadline for teams
in the open division is coming up soon--on Sunday
the 14th.
For more information, please see the
tournament homepage at
<a href= target=new></a>
I look forward to seeing everyone in three
-Mike Usher
BB8 Tournament Director