Since a couple of people have asked me, I just
want to clarify a couple of points:
(1) As far
as the special discounts go (for travel/new
team/Canadian teams), a school can only receive ONE special
discount per team. For example, a school from Texas
competing at Penn Bowl for the first time would receive the
$50 discount for travelling over 1000 miles, but not
the $40 discount for new schools.
(2) At this
point in time, we have not decided if there will be a
separate JV/DivII competition (in the prelims, the
playoffs, or both). It *is* possible, but by no means
definite. In any case, (a) we won't make a decision until
we start collecting the rosters, and (b) if we do
have such a division, no team will be forced into
(3) At the moment, the field will be capped at 60
teams. All registrations so far received have been
posted on the PADT WWW site at
<a href= target=new></a> .