UF will be holding its annual Fall High School
Academic Tournament on December 7-8th, 2001 in warm, sunny
The format will be the same as in years past
- untimed, twenty tossups with associated
thirty-point boni. All questions will be written in-house.
Teams will compete in two Divisions, with Division I
open to all high school players and Division II open
only to high school freshmen and sophomores.
Additional information, including registration forms, local
hotels, full rules, and a sample pack may be found at
<a href=http://grove.ufl.edu/~ufcbowl/hsinfo.html target=new>http://grove.ufl.edu/~ufcbowl/hsinfo.html</a>
Questions may be addressed to dnordby_at_... who will
forward them to the Tournament Directors. Hope to see
many of you there.
-Daniel Nordby
Director, UF College Bowl