I'm not going to say we suffer from a
baseball-like haves-havenots situation, but consider
Over nine games, Michigan, which (I have been told)
was four freshmen, scored 264 points per
Over eight games, DePauw B scored 250 points.
Which brings me to another thought:
Given that
all question writers knew this was supposed to be a
tournament for undergrads only, shouldn't they have adjusted
the level of questioning so that the lower teams
could break a 100 average? I mean, by my calculations,
the average game had just under 300 points --
usually, don't we shoot for an average of 400? At the very
least, shouldn't the two last teams have a game of
150-100 and not 95-30 (using their averages; actual score
could have been anything)?
Ah well. Just some
red hot fodder for people to mull.