"The reasoning behind this tournament was to
allow some of the schools with predominantly undergrad
teams to go up against comparable programs and see how
they do in comparision with folks of their own level.
>From our perspective as a nearly all-undergrad
program, it gets awfully tiring to lose of the Yaphes and
Nams of the world simply because they've had more
years to hear the same things come up over and
As the father of both NAQT's undergrad title and the
annual Carleton Undergraduate Tournament, I'm in
complete sympathy with limiting some competitions to
undergrads only. But I have to pick a nit over the statement
about it getting tiring losing to the Yaphes of the
world "simply because they've had more years." In
Andrew Yaphe's case, he was already singlehandedly
better than most undergraduate teams when he arrived at
Virginia as a freshman, and was certainly one of the most
dominant players ever in the game long before he stopped
being an undergraduate, so losing to him was never
"simply because" he continued playing beyond four years
of college.