Hi everyone,
Here's another update on the
status of Beaver Bonspiel 8, to be held on the 27th at
MIT. At present, the field looks roughly as
BU (3 teams total)
Cornell (2 Open/1
Dartmouth (1 Open/1 JV)
Harvard (no info on number of
NYU (1 Open/1 JV)
Williams (1 Open)
Yale (3
Open/1-3 JV)
Yeshiva (?)
Boston College
If the information I have above for your team is
incorrect or incomplete, then please get the correct info
to me as soon as possible.
Thanks to those
teams who have already submitted their packets; I have
yet to receive packets from most of you though, and
would like to get those soon. Note that, per the
tournament announcement at
<a href=http://www.geocities.com/beaverbonspiel target=new>http://www.geocities.com/beaverbonspiel</a> , there will be a $30 late fee for any team in
the Open division that doesn't submit its packet by
Saturday. JV teams are, of course, not required to submit
I look forward to seeing you all in ten
Mike Usher