Graduate students can be lousy players too! It's
not time that makes people good players, it's work
and talent. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for
undergrad tournaments etc., it was of great benefit to BG,
who had grad students on campus, but didn't attract
too many intelligent english speaking ones.
would guess that there are almost as many great
undergrad players (Vik, Wehrmans, Princeton) as there are
grad student/dinos (not the same thing)however, so I
think the small schools have more legit complaints than
simply the undergrad factor. However, of course those of
us that went to academically um... let's call it
mediocre schools had difficulties as well. I think it's
fair to say that Carleton or Beloit actually has a
bigger or at least as big talent pool to draw from as
WMU or BG.
Hoping this makes sense,