With the recent discussion, I felt like it was a good time for me to sound off about something that really bothers me about quiz bowl To Preface: my background is not in quiz bowl, its in athletics. What I know about quiz bowl is limited to what Ive learned from some good friends of mine that are quite involved in it and from what Ive picked up in a year or so on the MI HS circuit With that said, I think the main problem with respect to competitive balance lies in the arbitrary dividing line between divisions; that is, I think Div 1 should be for grad. Students only and Div. 2 for undergrads. Witness, from the 2001 NAQT Div 2 Nationals: Player Team Points/22 T.H. Weiner, Matt Pittsburgh 96.25 Mikanowski, Jacob Princeton 88.65 Mathews, Wesley Occidental 63.34 Reece, Matt Chicago 54.33 Sausville, Justin Sewanee 52.35 Youker, Tim Stanford 47.29 Kailasanath, Vinita Stanford 45.23 Hatti, Amar Cal-Berkeley 43.20 Nelson, Paul Missouri-Rolla 43.00 Greenstein, Dan Maryland 4 40.47 Should the top scorer really be scoring 77% higher than the fourth place scorer? Compare with the Div 1 nationals, where the top scorer scored 17% higher than the fourth place scorer, and the 2001 HSNCT, where the top scorer scored 19% higher than the fourth place scorer. While it is my personal opinion that these experienced and advanced quiz bowlers should want to seek out the highest level of competition, I suppose that they cannot completely be blamed for not having done so. With their only other option being to subject themselves to playing against people 8 or 10 years older than they, they choose to stay in Div. 2 and completely defeat the purpose of such a division in the first place, which is, as I understand it, to avoid freshmens being completely scared away from quiz bowl by people much more experienced than they. While separate division for undergrads and grads could, theoretically, contribute to some scared freshmen, I think this would be much less prevalent than all of the lost sophomores and juniors under the current system. Additionally, a similar system works in high school; that is, over the course of their 4 years, players advance through the ranks, competing against those at least similar in age to them. Let me know what you think. ---Amber Obermeyer, Detroit Country Day School
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