Commentary from a frazzled financial
Whenever we get back from a tournament and are trying to
get our expenses reimbursed, our accounting people
have complained that the receipts and invoices we get
are incomplete. I assume the situation is similar at
other schools, so for reference, here is the MINIMUM
information that should be on the invoice if people are going
to get reimbursed by their schools:
tournament name and date
-- your school name and
organization name
-- a breakdown of all costs and
-- a signature and the title of the person
-- a FULL address and telephone number
least as far as Michigan is concerned, if we don't have
this information, our accounting office won't pay the
I've created a generic invoice form for Word that's
available at
<a href= target=new></a> that I hope will help people get the financial
details dealt with more quickly.
And yes, I am
rather cranky right now.