Ahmed wrote: That way, you satisfy the requirements of your school, and the tournament host doesn't have to go out of its way designing an all-purpose invoice for every possible contingency. ["What do you mean 'I have to include my blood type and neck size on the invoice?!?'"] ------------------- Your rhetorical hyperbole aside, Ahmed, financial details are not only very important, but are very standard. 99% of the cases can be dealt with be considering only a few pieces of information. For the sake of clarification, I will restate my position without being so cranky (It's Monday...I've got my networks class to keep me cranky now) The University of Michigan needs the following information to reimburse tournament expenses: -- name of the club/organization hosting the tournament -- a complete mailing address -- name and date of the tournament -- cost breakdown -- signature -- an office phone number (if available) As I looked on the web and saw that this information was standard among invoices and receipts given out in the non-qb world, I assumed that Michigan was not the only school that required this *standard* information. (If someone would like to dispute this assumption, go right ahead.) Even though not all clubs require this information, I believe that since all of this information is easy to provide, and in all likelihood more than a few clubs need this information (and there are none that can be adversely affected by having it when they don't need it), it makes sense for this to be the information to be included on a standard tournament invoice. I am not asking that every possible contigency be covered (despite with the Ismail bros. claim) The "most stringent" standard of which I speak is providing the information listed above, which should be sufficient for all usual requests and is not in the least bit difficult to provide. The standard of our accounting people is stringent, but not in the least unusual or extreme. It makes sense for the qb community to be professional in how it handles money. Having detailed financial records can only help when clubs request more funding for the next year or to attend a national. I have created a standard invoice at <a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/rules/invoice.doc target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/rules/invoice.doc</a> that can be modified for your particular tournament. I believe this should be adequate for any club seeking reimbursement. If there is anyone that needs more information than that which I've included on the form, let me know so that it can be included. It doesn't take that much effort to show the courtesy of preparing detailed records for your *guests* at at tournament. As the person in charge of the money at Michigan, I believe it's my responsibility to provide this information. Of course, it also doesn't take that much effort to show the courtesy of not sounding pissy, and I apologize for letting my frustrations seep through. Dave
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