CAVEAT: I wasn't at COTKU. I will not comment on the exact questions there. This is a general topic. It may not relate to COTKU. This should not diminish the value of the discussion I am attempting to start. SET-UP: From Nathan... "I'm not exaggerating--a tossup containing an academic answer but with no genuine clues and a trash giveaway is not an academic tossup." Now, discounting the "no genuine clues" part (which is subjective anyway), what constitutes, or should constitute, an academic tossup? Is it a crime to include a trash reference in the giveaway? I mean, if something has become known through popular culture to a greater degree than it has been known through common history, and you've had your chance to get it on all academic knowledge, why NOT throw the teams a bone? An example off the top of my head... "...for ten points, name this ship famous for a disaster which claimed the lives of John Jacob Astor and Charles Guggenheim, but not Leonardo DiCaprio." In all likelihood, we've mentioned 1912 and Southampton before this, likely not included the word "iceberg", and definitely discussed the engineering flaws which led to the sinking. I mean, after throwing out enough academic clues, does it hurt to offer a "pity clue" of sorts at the end? Let me try a better one (enters question writing mode): "Vasari praised him for his versatility, saying that he set his hand to everything, which is true, as his media have included wood and bronze. Born in 1386, his religious sculptures include Mary Magdalene, David in the Bargello, and St. George, although his favorite subject was the Madonna, one sculpture of whom is considered a prime example of the art style schiacciato. For ten points, name this Italian forefather of sculpture who also did Madonna of the Clouds and whose 1466 death predates the birth of any of the other three Ninja Turtle namesakes." (Answer: Donatello) Now, ignoring the fact that the academic clues are probably all out of order (I'm not an art guy, and I needed a quick example), is there really a problem with that last clue, especially in light of the fact that the Turtles probably made Donatello more well-known to mainstream than he'd ever be otherwise? Or is there no place for "trashademics" in an academic competition, as the ACF rules have stated on at least one occasion (I've seen the statement "we have no problem with trash, so long as it is in a trash tournament" somewhere on an ACF website; furthermore, I believe the Michigan Memorandum states that trashy giveaways should not be used)? Discuss. Andy G.
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