On February 24th, 2002, the George Washington University's Academic Competition Club (GWACC) will host Beltway Bandits 6: The Things that Pass for Knowledge, I Can't Understand, a trash tournament, on the GW campus in Washington, DC. Beltway Bandits is the longest-running and most unique pop-culture tournament on the east coast, providing strange and unusual questions to strange and unusual people since 1993. Beltway 6 will be accompanied with the song-identifying competition Heavy Rotation 5, assembled by Tim Young and myself. Our base fee will be $80/team for Beltway Bandits; participation in Heavy Rotation is free. Teams whose announced names are sly Steely Dan references (within logical explanation, at the judgement of the tournament director) will receive a $5 discount. Packet requirements will be posted shortly, and will resemble those found at <a href=http://www.gwu.edu/~trivia/bb5.html target=new>http://www.gwu.edu/~trivia/bb5.html</a> ; the final packet deadline will be February 10th. An exchange will be established for matching free-agent players to teams. Beltway Bandits 6 is open to all players of all experience ranges, but we ask that players under the age of 18 receive permission from parents or guardians; this tournament reserves the right to turn R-rated. The Washington area is easily accessible by car, rail, or any of three major airports, and is served by a clean, efficient, cheap mass-transit system. Be aware that in light of the September 11th attacks, United Airlines, the largest airline serving Baltimore-Washington International Airport, will no longer be serving artificial sweetener or non-dairy creamer on its flights (I'm not kidding). Se habla espaol. But if you poke us with a fork, we swear at you in French. There will be no mention of Kenny G. anywhere in this tournament to the extent that we can control it. The GW Academic Competition Club receives some funding from the GW Student Association. Compliance with GW rules and regulations is expected from all participants in GWACC events. GWACC denies all responsibility for injuries sustained during the normal course of quiz bowl activities at the George Washington University. When not in use, GWACC should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. GWACC may stick to certain types of skin. Ingredients of GWACC include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space. Do not taunt GWACC. GWACC: accept no substitutes!
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