Yes, I apologize to those teams who were planning
on attending the ACF Fall Tourney. On Monday, I
found out from classroom scheduling that they were not
going to allow the majority of buildings on campus to
be unlocked, due to some vandalism that has occurred
during other home games. The OU-Tulsa game was
re-scheduling after the events of Sept. 11. I had just gotten
back from the parking office, where I had finally
worked out a deal to keep teams from being charged when
I received the fateful phone call. I apologize to
anyone whose schedules are fouled up by these events,
and hopefully it won't happen again. This is, in
fact, the first time we've ever had to do this. We are,
however, hosting ACF Regionals, scheduled for Feb. 23.
Contingency plans are already in place.
David Murphy,
Univ. of Oklahoma Academic team