<<Is it really all that different from a
packet submitted by novice trash players than one from
novice academic though?>>
As someone who's
written and edited submission packets for every format:
heck, yeah. Trash is very hard to write well, even if
the delicate matter of unbalanced distribution (real
overheard comment: "but they were all on *different* porn
stars!") isn't an issue.
For one thing, trash has
all the question quality requirements of other
formats- plus a recommended dose of the bent, the odd, and
the downright insane. Writing a good
pyramid-structured tossup of appropriate difficulty on "The Cask of
Amontillado" is challenging enough; writing a good
pyramid-structured tossup of appropriate difficulty on "Little Bunny
Foo-Foo" leads your dentist to tell you to stop grinding
your teeth so much.
That said, I don't think I
would mind seeing trash junior birds. Dinosaurs gotta
go extinct sometime.
-- David V.
speaking for TRASH, as far as I know.)