The University of Western Ontario History Society
held a Jeopardy!-style tournament here this past week,
and our Quiz Bowl club was represented in it by
myself and Adam Toews. (I'm a history major so this was
a combination of my two favourite things
We won our preliminary round game on Wednesday, but
only because one of the other teams added wrong during
Final Jeopardy (this is why we are history students,
not math students!).
On Friday (today) we
played against the winners of Tuesday's and Thursday's
preliminary rounds. We ended up winning, with $20 600 (well,
not real money of course), while the other two teams
had $20 499 and $6600 respectively.
Since we
know we can't win in actual Quiz Bowl tournaments,
this is very exciting for us :)
More detailed
information will be on our website, eventually (if anyone is
Adam Bishop