The individual stats through the round robin are
as follows:
Player Team 10 -5 PPG Rounds
H MD2 88 4 107.5
Peter SW 53 7 61.87 8
Jeff PR 44 1 54.37 8
Dave RU 43 8 48.75 8
Edmund GW 38 6 43.75 8
Darren DU 34 5 39.37 8
Lenny PR 34 5 39.37 8
Mike GT 30 8 32.50 8
Matt DU 27 9
28.12 8
Andy DU 12 1 23.00 5
Mark MD1 14 2 21.67 6
Sandeep MD1 16 2 18.75 8
SW 16 4 17.50 8
Dan MD1 7 1 16.25 4
Ben PR 13 3 14.37 8
Mike DU 5 0 12.50 4
B MD2 10 1 11.67 8
Andrew DU 4 0 10.00 4
Tyrone MD1 6 0 10.00 6
Andrew GW 8 3 9.29 7
Ed RU 8 2 8.75 8
Chris SW 8 2
8.75 8
Peter LO 5 0 8.33 6
Brad LO 4 0 8.00 5
Jen GW 6 0
7.86 7
John RU 6 0 7.50 8
Kevin LO 3 0 5.00 6
Bryan GT 4 2
4.29 7.00
Mamoud MD1 3 0 3.75 4
Brian PR 4 3 3.57 7
Nate GT 2 0
2.86 7
Joe LO 1 0 2.00 5
Mike RU 1 0 2.00 5
Michael LO 0 0
0.00 5
Matt SW 0 0 0.00 8
Medals were awarded to the top
three scorers, minus Dave Hamilton, since he was part
of the exhibition team. The scorers were
particularly pleased with the "marching band" style medals,
and promptly pinned them with pride to their polo
shirts. Matt Schneller received some dining hall biscuits
for having the most amount of negs, an astonishing 9.
The biscuits were left sad and lonely on a desk in
room 0108.
Maureen Smith, TD TIT 2001