I'm no lawyer, but this lit a fire under my former pre-law posterior. I think that these are reasonable terms to follow for packet-submission tournaments. The question writer concedes all rights to the team for which he wrote the questions. The team owns full copyright to the questions and may use them as they wish. By submitting the questions to a tournament as part of the tournament fee, they are giving the tournament the first right to use the packet, the exclusive right to play the packet competitively, the first serial right to print the questions in a tournament set, the right to edit the questions for practical reasons, the right to print or publish online the questions in the future as long as the team receives credit for writing them, and a share of credit in any future use of the questions by the team. After submitting the questions to a tournament, the team no longer may use the questions for any tournament submission or competition, may not publish or print the questions without noting the tournament they were submitted for, and may not further edit or alter the questions without noting the alterations in any future publication. If the tournament does not use the questions for play or in a published tournament set, the tournament relinquishes all rights to the questions. For mirrored tournaments, unless the host states otherwise, a team submitting questions agrees to allow the questions to be played at the mirrored tournament and to be used noncompetitively by that host for perpetuity. The mirroror only has the rights to play the questions competitively as agreed with the mirroree, and to hold the questions for future noncompetitive use. The mirroree has the full rights afforded the host of an unmirrored tournament. Any deviation from any of these terms must be stated in the tournament announcements or expressly agreed between the host and team. Submission of questions to a tournament constitutes consent to any terms stated in the tournament announcement, unless noted in the submission. Warning: I do not claim to be a lawyer, and this is not to be taken as legal advice. Use as directed. Parental guidance suggested. Contains violence, strong language, suggestive themes, and gratuitous display of underarm hair. Derechos reservados. Contains 3% alcohol by volume. Yeah, I know, I'm a geek.
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