GWACC is pleased to announce a special prize for
the upcoming 8th Annual Juan Carlos Viscerra
Memorial, to be held February 2nd, 2002 on the George
Washington University campus in Washington, DC.
brand-new buzzer system will be raffled off among all
undergraduate teams present at the conclusion of JCV8. Each
team receives one slot in the raffle, not each school,
so a school that sends four undergrad teams receives
four chances.
Information on JCV8 can be found
at <a href= target=new></a>
Inquiries may be
sent to trivia_at_... .
be eligible for the buzzer raffle, teams must:
Consist entirely of players from the same school, none of
whom may have completed a B.A. or B.S. at any
institution of higher learning
- Comply with all other
rules and restrictions of JCV8, including prompt
payment, packet submission (or reasonable packet
exemption) by the prescribed dates, and attendance of the
full tournament
- Not have outstanding debt with
GWACC, or have made arrangements for its