>not knowing Paul Tomlinson's science
Well, not that anyone really cares, but
I'm currently working concurrently on a BS in
Materials Engineering and an MS in Materials Science &
Engineering. Having taken 2 semesters of general chem, most of
my questions are pulled from my chemistry book. Not
having taken ochem or anything remotely resembling
biochem, I try to keep my questions to things I have
knowledge on. (Except when it's getting late and the packet
deadline is the next day)
I would have to agree
with ZAMM that a physics/chemistry/biology/misc. sort
of science distribution is somewhat limited.
Thermodynamics is another one of those gray areas, since we
studied it in both my intro. chem and physics classes.
A point of interest not related to the discussion.
The high scorer on the physics/astronomy theme round
at Iowa's This Tournament Goes to Eleven was Mickey
TeKippe, ISU's own Biology/Math/English major.