<<Duke defeated Swarthmore in a thrilling
30 pt bonus to take the title for Baby Hen II. I'm
sure more results will be forth
Oh, this doesn't begin to describe it.
summarize: Duke scores 30 points on bonus, winning round by
5. On closer examination, it turns out that, due to
a major typo, part b of the bonus not only asks a
question at odds with the answer Duke gave, but the answer
listed on the page is also wrong. Swarthmore protests.
After much perusing of NAQT rules and consultation with
NAQT wonks on scene, the whole bonus is tossed out and
replaced with the next one in the pack; Duke is guaranteed
20 points on the bonus (not enough to win) but must
get all 3 parts to win the round, and thereby the
tournament. This they proceed to do.
To summarize the
summary: The tournament was decided on whether Duke could
correctly identify "Freddy Got Fingered."