Since you didn't play or hear the questions this weekend, I'd like to know how ACF is treating new players like crap. In addition, most of your comments hold just as much water with NAQT as with ACF. Your major gripe appears to be that the bottom team in your region went 0-12 and scored 675 points to their opponents 3455. Note that, while this team had a few games against the really good teams, it also had a bunch against 3-8, 2-9, and 1-10 teams. Now, ask yourself, honestly - would this team do significantly better at an NAQT tournament? Even if they were in Div II? Look more closely at the stats - even the team that went 2-9 in the round robin managed to put a 210-65 hurt on them. Come on, we've all seen teams like this, who just are plain-out new and are going to have a rough time of it regardless of format or division. Next time you see one of these teams at an ACF, NAQT, or CBI tournament, give them a few words of encouragement if you are interested in seeing them come back. Now you bring out another tried and true stereotype - the 40 year-old professional student and uberplayer, who evidently only plays at ACF tournaments in this fantasy world. As several people have already mentioned, age has little to do with playing skill, as there are already some players in Division II of NAQT who can hold their own with these big meanies. But wait!!! That's unfair to the other Div II teams who have to play the bullies of Div II! I propose that we create a Div III specially for these teams so that they don't need to be exposed to the good teams of Div II who are "forcing teams to watch their opponents play quizbowl by themselves." NAQT, how could you have let this injustice occur for so long? About your suggestions for more honors for undergrad and juniorbird teams - ACF, as usual, has been extremely receptive to comments made about last year's ACF nationals, and AFAIK, has already made plans to implement some of your suggestions which have already been brought up. ACF has also made a concerted effort over the last few years to make questions more accessible to _all_ teams, and I defy anyone to show me that this hasn't happened. One of the most frustrating things I've dealt with running ACF tournaments is teams that refuse to send B or C teams because they think that the less experienced teams shouldn't play ACF since "it's too hard." Well, guess what? If almost every team only sends their A squad, then there will be fewer chances for B and C teams to play each other. Stop the vicious cycle: don't shelter your underclassmen, don't incorrectly assume it will bo too hard for them, let them get out there and play games with all the other B and C teams, and things will be better for everyone. For those older players who insist on passing on their own mindless and baseless ACF prejudices: Stop player-hating ACF. Give your undergrads a chance to play it for themselves. Don't tell them that "it's too hard" and that "they wouldn't like it" just because you think it is. Let them choose for themselves. And why not give it another chance yourself? Dave whose first memories of ACF involve Jim Dendy, Tom Waters, and the Georgia Tech team, but who decided to stick around anyway because of Al Whited and the biscuit antics of Colvin
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