Adam Fine said: "my animosity is directed toward
Roger alone. You cannot speak "for no one but
yourself," fool, if you are the editor of 2002 ACF
Nationals! "
Just because one of the three people
charged with organizing official ACF tournaments has a
personal opinion on some subject does not necessarily mean
that the others share that opinion. When I agreed to
help with ACF this year, I certainly had no intention
of giving up my right to voice an opinion and not
have it labelled the official doctrine of ACF,
especially in matters separate from tournament editing and
organization. So just because, in this case, Roger has stated
his own position on some issue, don't assume that
Zeke or I share that opinion, or that this is the
official ACF stance on the issue. I may or may not share
the opinion; if you want to know, just ask
Hoping to not be labelled a "fool",
Kelly McKenzie