Adam Fine wrote: "So... my animosity is directed toward Roger alone." Well, that's not cool. I don't bear any animosity towards you, Adam. I'll argue with you all day, but I won't hate you for expressing your opinion about a game. Adam Fine also wrote: "To take the approach you did in responding to Stan's comments was not only harsh, but wholly inappropriate for someone who is supposed to represent one of the major quizbowl organizations." Quite frankly, I don't care. Maybe what I said was overly harsh, but I won't retract what I said or apologize for it because it's what I meant. ACF is not a corporation. No one is making a living off of this. It is not my job to be polite or to smile and nod at people's complaints or to stifle whatever opinions I may have. My task is to receive packet submissions and crank out an accessible and challenging set of questions for ACF Nationals next April. I apologize profusely if I ever gave any other impression of my duties. Which is not to say ACF hasn't listened to this purported "customer base" people keep mentioning. You clamored for easier questions, we gave you easier questions. You clamored for a division II, we gave you a division II (in accordance with the ACF philosophy). Like I said some time ago, the new leadership of ACF is working very hard to bring about these changes, but these changes cannot happen in one day. It all starts with one tournament (which I like to think of as Kelly's ACF Fall Tournament), but one against a hundred old tournaments (as Adam pointed out from his previous ACF experiences) doesn't hold much weight. Give it some time, folks. You've already unanimously lauded our first effort, now allow us the chance to continue and I promise you won't be disappointed. Adam Fine continued to write: "I disagree with Stan's stereotype of the 38-year old professional student, but by calling his comments "retarded," you not only put newer players off, but you help perpetuate stereotypes about ACF." Let people think of me what they will. Like I said, I really don't give a damn. But if they judge ACF based on my inane commentary and not on the questions themselves (which are the only things that truly speak for ACF), then that's their own stupidity and I won't regret their absence at the next ACF tournament. Adam Fine finished up with: "Stick to writing questions, Roger (your packets from SLO that were used at the Terrapin were quite excellent)." Thanks. I happen to find yours quite mediocre, Mr. Professional. And last but not least, Adam Fine wrote: "You cannot speak "for no one but yourself," fool, if you are the editor of 2002 ACF Nationals!" Wow. I was completely unaware of the fact that I couldn't speak independently of any group I'm affiliated with. Allow me to finish this off correctly, then. Roger Bhan Obviously speaking on behalf of ACF, Stanford University College Bowl, Molecular Dynamics, Inc., the people of Kashmir, Hindus everywhere, all individuals who wear a size 10 shoe, everyone who has ever ridden a bicycle, and, of course, the citizens of Athens
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