(1) pennbowl.org is still down, but I hope that
it will be up by the end of next week. In the
meantime, all information has been mirrored
<a href=http://samerismail.tripod.com/pennbowl11 target=new>http://samerismail.tripod.com/pennbowl11</a>
(2) The priority registration deadline has passed.
Any teams registering now will be added first-come,
first-serve. There are currently TWO teams on the waiting
list: Yale IV and Michigan IV.
(3) The next
packet deadline is this coming Monday. Remember, though,
that you will receive an additional 72-hour extension
automatically provided you submit at least 50% of your
questions by Monday.
(4) At the moment, two teams
have expressed plans to compete as chimeras: Delaware
I and Texas A&M III. I need to know by mid-January
if you plan to compete as a chimera team, so that I
do not place two of them in the same preliminary
bracket. [Note: chimera teams and players will be treated
as regular teams in every way except that they will
not be eligible to advance towards the
(5) Once pennbowl.org is back up, I hope to post a
roster form as well as a preliminary rules document.
[So, if you are bringing *more than one team*, start
thinking about team names, if you want them.]