Whoever you are, we've been looking at the same
thing for a few days. This person was about to make the
Rising Stars list. If people actually looked and seen
which tournaments are concerned, the teammates that the
person played with, and the relative differences in PPG,
you might be more than suspicious. Also, one more
clue is necessary, which almost cements the deal, but
concerns something more personal. Besides, QBCardinal
might have been been at tournaments where said person
was playing, and may be able to describe his/her
behavior in more detail. We were planning on seeing the
results from TRASH Regionals and Technophobia this
weekend, but QBCardinal already jumped the
Don't be so quick to dismiss this. When your average at
one location is 60PPG, but at all others is 12.5PPG,
there is a problem. For all who feel it necessary, I
have a word document with the associated statistics.
E-mail me at paik_at_... In one word, the
statistical evidence is sickening. We can't prove anything
beyond a shadow of a doubt, but questions must
Jason Paik