Having seen a couple of things come up lately which aroused my attention, I thought I'd dash off a few lines of poorly-typed, tortured prose by way of opinion. Read it or don't; not like we're talking _War and Peace_ quality here, folks. 1. I will consider my life worthwhile if I ever come up with anything as funny as "lord over a tribe of goblins which mine bonuses from the earth". I _hurt myself_ laughing at that; Bhan, you f*cking rock. 2. This whole Cam affair is pretty much played by now. If the little bastard cheated, than his vice is its own punishment; if the magnificent bastard scored 56 ppg on his own merits, than his performance is its own reward. As a corollary, if the former, he'll never do it again; if the latter, I hope he pops a cap in the collective ass of his opponents at Regionals. 3. Mad props to Goss, of all people, for busting this Cam guy with "he's merely a fast player, nothing more"; ha! Of course, knowing who we're discussing here, I'm fairly sure it was less intentional than Andy putting his big stupid foot in his mouth again , but funny nevertheless. 4. Fleming: contemplate this one. The last time I played in a CBI sanctioned event (1995, if you must know), I averaged about 8 ppg; at regionals that year, I approached 30. That's right: almost four times as many ppg at ACF than CBI. I believe that makes me a mutant; but you already knew that.
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