walter_shandy wrote
Just out of
curiosity... people talk about "list knowledge". Are they
about lists they make themselves, or are
published/privately-circulating lists out
I dug information for ones that I made out of old
textbooks, encyclopedias, etc. For example, I once made a
list of writers who wrote in German containing the
author's name, lifespan, works, and something else that
was interesting about them, something like Rilke, R.:
bunch of poems, works, other accompishments, best work
was maybe the Duino Elegies, died from blood
poisoning from the prick of a rose thorn. I just found that
writing the information down made me more likely to
remember it, and sometimes I've even found time-worthy
books this way. People talk about "the book of lists"
or some such out there, I doubt that using lists
that someone else made would help anyone much, since
there's no personal connection to the information. Yet,
if people have the time, maybe so.