If there is one thing to "improve upon," I guess the
questions could be a little less Eurocentric or DWHIM-based
(DWHIM = Dead WHIte Men). In my packet, I purposely went
overboard with the multiculturalism (one player commented
that I snuck in two minority groups in one "ruthless
Chinese women" bonus). I also tried to expand the canon
(Spanish composers, Barbara Kingsolver novels) while
avoiding QB cliches (Popes/Crusades, name-that-dynasty, or
battles [I swear I'll scream if I ever hear another
question on military history!]). Anyway, I maintain that
these packets at Technophobia were lots of fun! They
are miles above the ACF Fall tournament
To which I respond:
Just so your deluded mind
is set straight, let me say that the importance of
things such as crusades, kings, and wars far outweigh
the importance of wackass music and novels written by
people that 99.9999999% of the world has no idea exist.
And, of course, there are tens of millions more women
than men on earth. That's not a minority.
would suggest that if you can't accept the fact that
important items are worth repeating, you get out of the