Re: Choices (was Oh, here I go again)

<< One redeeming feature of the work of
Ernest Hemingway is that it can reasonable be expected
to be taught in college-level English classes. Quiz
Bowl is supposed to test general knowledge. The author
of "Sex-starved Space Babes from Mars" is not
general knowledge.
And Ernest Hemingway still wrote
better than most two-bit science fiction hacks. Then he
walked home. In the rain. >>

I'm curious as
to why you take the worst of the genre and then
claim that those works represent its totality. If I
don't like Hemingway, do I then say that everything
written between 1900 and 1963 is bad? Or do I ascribe the
attributes of Hemingway's work to all works produced in that
period? I'm of the opinion that good books are good
regardless of what genre they happen to fall in. What I'm
saying is that there are excellent novels and short
stories out there that happen to fall into the genre of
science fiction. I'm not claiming that there isn't a vast
sea of crap out there, but I do believe that many
fine works of literature have been created by science
fiction authors.

Incidentally, where did you get a
hold of "Sex-Starved Space Babes from Mars?" I've been
looking for that one for a while, but somehow none of the
libraries seem to carry it...

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