3 points here:
1. I think Edmund shouldn't
"shut up," (did anybody ever think that would come out
of my mouth?), I think he's got a point. The nature
of the game is so that economics students don't
necessarily get a divine right to an economics question.
2. To continue along this line of thought, the
danger of insisting upon more specialized questions(eg,
asking no biography questions but all equations,
theorems, etc...) is making the questions inaccessable to
many players. There are so many fields of study
represented in the qb community that if we all wrote detailed
questions on what we studied, we'd get a lot of blank
stares. To look at the issue another way, what if a team
(as often happens) consists of no one who has the
knowledge to write such questions? Personally, I wouldn't
write such a question about any scientific field but
astronomy, and probably no sociological field but education.
If I have 3 teammates who are in similar situations,
then will our packet not be valid?
3. "Sex
Starved Space Babes from Mars" is as much "general
knowledge" as Hemingway. Whether or not it's literature is
another question.