I just wanted to thank Dom and the rest of the
Illinois crew, and all the other moderators from the other
schools, for a wonderful time at the Novice Tourney today.
All three of the DePauw teams had a great time, and
we didn't do too shabby either! I don't really have
a way to rate the questions on difficulty, because
there's a lot of stuff I don't know, but I know our three
teams were able to consistently get questions which
made the competition more fun for us as a whole.
Speaking solely for myself, I had the best time I think
I've had at a tournament thus far (and I think I have
the highest PPG I've had yet, too!).
In any
case, I can't really give any technical evaluations,
but I will say that I thought the tournament was
Sarah MM
PS And Dom didn't even get
mad at us when the packet numbering for DPU was
messed up :)