I wasn't exactly sure that this was the proper forum to announce HS tournaments, but, in light of the Duke posting, I figured this should be OK. If not, then feel free to flame me. :) Below is a truncated version of an e-mail I sent out to some local Houston high schools. It mentions registration forms that were attached to the message. Obviously, I can't post the form here. Teams interested in attending need to e-mail me (saslett_at_...) and I will send them a form. ---------------------------------------------------------- Rice University's quiz bowl team is pleased to announce that it will be holding a high school tournament on Saturday, March 23, 2002. It's been quite a long time since we've actually done this, but we're back now and hope to host many more high school touraments in the near future. This tournament will be a qualifier to the NAQT National High School Championship Tournament, which will be held on June 8-9, 2002 on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin. We are still working out the details with the higherups at NAQT, but we can assure you that at least the 1st place winner (and possibly teams ranked lower than that) will qualify to attend nationals. Full rules for NAQT (National Academic Quiz Tournaments) style play may be found at <a href=http://www.naqt.com/rules target=new>http://www.naqt.com/rules</a> The format of the tournament (depending on how many teams show interest) will most probably be a round robin among several divisions, with the winners of those divisions playing off against each other to determine the winner. The tournament will be held at a location on Rice University's campus to be announced shortly. We expect the tournament to begin at around 9AM and end at about 5PM with a break for lunch. (Of course, the final schedule will be determined by how many teams choose to come). Directions to Rice can be found at <a href=http://www.rice.edu/welcome/visit.html target=new>http://www.rice.edu/welcome/visit.html</a> Schools may bring up to 3 teams. The registration fee breakdown is as follows: Base Registration Fee: $80 Discounts: -$10 for a working buzzer system -$5 for a volunteer reader/scorkeeper/general helper (limit 1 per team) Each school's second and third teams will only need to pay a flat fee of $60. If your team has a special travel hardship (200 miles+), we will consider discounting the cost further. Please e-mail me if you think this will be the case. Registration fees must be paid by March 20, 2002. We may, if enough teams show interest, have to limit the number that can attend, so the earlier you get them in the better. Attached is the registration form for the tournament. If you have trouble reading rtf files, please let me know and I will send you a format that you can read. Please mail your completed forms to: Rice University Quiz Bowl P.O. Box 1892 MS 526 Houston, TX 77251-1892 In order to gauge the potential level of interest for this tournament (and thus know how many rooms on campus we should reserve), please e-mail me at your earliest convenience and let me know if you are considering attending the tournament and, if so, how many teams you are thinking of bringing. If you have any questions whatsover about this tournament, feel free to e-mail me. Thanks for your time...we hope to see you next March! ------------------------ Stephen Aslett President, Rice University Quiz Bowl saslett_at_...
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