What follows is the official Announcement for ACF Regionals 2002 to be held at various sites around the country on February 23rd (the hosts are posted on the ACF website and on Jason Paik?s Tournament Central and you should get in touch with them to arrange to play at the tourney). Question distribution for the tournament follows below, and once again I encourage question writers to rely on the general guidelines covered in both the original ACF question writer?s guide- available at www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/acfguide.html - and its supplement, available at www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html. Both of these documents should answer most of the concerns that writers encounter. Each packet should contain 25 quality tossups and 25 quality bonuses in case of repeats and/or overtime. This year each round will be played on 21 tu and 21 boni because of the added trash question per round. First 21/21: 4-4 History 4-4 Science 4-4 Literature 3-2 Religion/Philosophy/Myth 1-2 Visual Arts (including architecture and ?classic? film) 1-1 Music 1-1Social Science 1-1 Geography 1-1 Trash 1-1 more of the big 3 (ie. Hist/Sci/Lit) at the discretion of the author Extra 4/4: 1-1 Hist 1-1 Sci 1-1 Lit 1-1 Art and/or Music Needless to say I expect you to vary question content between and within categories, and specific suggestions for this may be found once again at: www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html Fees: Base Fee: $90 per team Minnimum Fee: $55 (this fee also automatically applies to any team that has not played an ACF regionals in the last three years) Question Discounts (to get this discount it means that I will have received a complete, eminently usable, packet by midnight of the date in question) -$25 if packet received by Dec 21st -$20 if packet received by Dec 29th -$15 if packet received by Jan 5th -$10 if packet received by Jan 12th No penalty if packet is received by Jan 26th (for every week after the 26th until Feb 9th a +$10 late fee will be assessed) On a personal note I will be taking my qualifying exams in February so when I write that I will not accept late packets after February 9th I mean it, in fact I hope to have the tournament ready to send to the hosts by that week. *Very Important: Every A and B team MUST write a packet to play unless they make prior arrangements with me. If teams can?t or don?t want to write a packet they will pay the maximum fee of $110 and an additional $10 penalty (in other words, write a damn packet). Hosts may also give discounts for buzzers and moderators but the minnimum fee will remain at $55. Formatting: Please follow the directions found at www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/formatting.html and send the completed packets to me as one of the following in descending order of preference: 1. as a Word attachment 2. as an RTF attachment 3. as text in the body of an email. Thanks and if you have any more questions feel free to contact me at eberdich_at_.... Ezequiel Berdichevsky Head Editor, ACF Regionals 2002
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