Eric H. wrote:
> 7. R. Robert Hentzel
(peaking after student days)
Yeah, my inclusion of
R. on the list is based primarily on the last 4
years or so. He was awfully good when he was at Iowa
State, but when I saw him a few years back, he'd become
a monster, feeding viraciously on all of that NAQT
question writing and editing...
Also, re: Eric's
comments, I think you make the argument for either Andrew
or Tom. If they played (assuming a time warp could
be constructed...Tom in his playing form of 5 years
ago, and Andrew now) on ACF, Tom would probably edge
out Andrew. But what about NAQT or CBI?? I understand
that hell will freeze over before Tom and Andrew ever
suqare off on CBI questions, but does Tom have the
trash/current events knowledge to compete with Andrew on the
quicker formats...NAQT maybe...CBI, no. I just can't
imagine Tom Waters getting questions about Limp Bizkit,
or guest stars on Friends off of Andrew.