It appears that there is a near-consensus on the
"best" players, so on to a more open ended
What individuals have contributed notably to quiz bowl
in *recent* years? (Historical props rightfully go
out to Carol Guthrie, Don Windham, and Ramesh
Kanneppan for founding ACF, but let's look at those who
have bettered qb in the past seven or eight years
Among the people who come to mind are those who
contributed to a specific team, like Tim Young who took the
GW team under his wing and helped rebuild it after
its early-90's powerhouse players departed; those who
contributed to a particular region, like Charlie Steinhice
who annually runs roughly half the tournaments in the
south; and those who have contributed on a national
level, like David Levinson who founded this quiz bowl
club which has become the de facto means of qb
community communication.
Any thoughts?