Eric Hillemann wrote of Dwight:
He's what, one
of the top five alltime at trash? [deletia] I think
he may also be top 20 alltime in academic formats.
Can anyone else rate so high a
I'll suggest Jeff Johnson, who seems to be the
consensus academic #3 (I'd personally rate him ahead of
Andrew, though I've seen Jeff play more than Andrew. I've
never seen Tom), and a fine trash player. He knows the
older stuff much better than the newer, so wouldn't
beat the trash hotshots 1-on-1, but is as nearly
dominating within his sphere of knowledge as he is on
academic stuff. I'd be surprised if he weren't top 20 in
trash. However, the only trash tournaments I'm aware of
him playing in, though, are the last few TRASH NE
regionals, at which he was the top scorer.