Hey people,
I changed schools this summer and
i started the quizbowl club at my new school. We
have around 16 players that show up on avg. and i had
my old quibowl teacher/coach person send me a
packet..now i have to get my new school to buy new ones. On
the Naqt.com website their are packets, but they
confuse me. It says Invitational Series#25 for example
and tehn under packets it says 15 and tehn it says 35
bucks. So if i were to buy that would i get 15 different
packets? or 15 of the same one? I want to be able to play
one a week so we can be ready for a competition. Any
help is appreciated. Most of these kids are new at
this, so do you know which series are better for
begginers and which ones are more advanced? Also which ones
feature a lot of different things such as history and pop
culture and which ones are only academic.
side question - what is trash?