Well, watching Dwight, Kenny, Mike, and Craig put it away qualifies as a memory unto itself (especially Dwight's "Say it LOUD -- I'm Black and I'm proud!"), but there were lots of other high points as well. F'rinstance: * "Stone Cold Jane Austen". Charlie, shouldn't there be an annual prize for Best Team Name? * Watching Chris Rosenberg rattle off classic pickup lines with the confidence of someone who's at the top of his game. * Dave Thorsley enthusiastically appropriating a vinyl copy of "Canadian Square Dances" from a less fortunate player during the All-Stars' <ethnic> auction (funny, we called this a "Yankee swap" back in New England!) Also, the visual bonus designed by Dave for our packet must be seen to be believed; suffice it to say that he worked the Yalta Conference and the Haymarket Square riots into this tournament with absolutely no loss of trash cred. :-) * Getting fifteen points for being able to identify "Glen Fujiyama". Whichever one of you out there wrote that bonus part: I 'm humbled and awestruck that someone knows as much, and maybe even more, "Red Dwarf" minutiae than I do. If you're ever in Kalamazoo, be aware that I'm working on getting the whole series on videotape. Gordon Bennett, 'e's takin' the smeg! * Also nailing a tossup on Harry Chapin's "WOLD" and realizing that no matter how much time may pass, geezer trash will not die. * Dave Leach, who should get Moderator-Of-The-Year-Except-For-Charlie-Steinhice honors, especially when paired with wife and comedy partner September Young Leach. * Watching Samer Ismail (Samer Ismail?) win a trash match in sudden-death overtime, even though it *was* against my team, dammit! I have absolutely no idea where Rick and I will be living at this time next year -- could be anywhere in the world, including right here -- so there's a definite uncertainty as to whether this may be my last TNTM for a while. I'm hoping to be there next year, but just in case, I'm committing this tournament to memory as much as possible. Thanks for a great weekend, as always, Charlie et. al.! Julie
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