The top 10 scorers at TrashMasters 2001(see
previous message) received All-Star awards, a mix of books
(e.g. the novelization of Howard the Duck), LP's
(Canadian Square Dancing, John Davidson, Care Bears, et
al.), cassettes, and a CD ("Spicy Attitude", a Spice
Girls interview CD with a superfluous warning label:
"Contains No Music.") Emily Moore was named Title IX
All-Star and won the Buffy jigsaw puzzle. Christy Hale of
Torgo's Knees won the Speed Buzz award, a toy Rusty
Wallace car.
Speaking of prizes, team prizes
included by far the ugliest toilet seat we've ever awarded
to the first place team, as well as copies of Robert
James Waller's Puerto Vallarta Squeeze, trauma-inducing
Jar Jar Binks mugs, and movie trivia books without
the answers in the back (the answers were omitted
because readers were invited to submit their answers in
the cash contest -- offer expires Jan. 31, 1984.)
And for anyone keeping track, leading the field in
negs was Anthony DeJesus, with 19.